ဟံၣ်My WebLinkဘၣ်ဃးဒီး1990-02 „COUNTY CORRIDORS Vol. it, No. Xi! A Newsletter For Employees and Retirees of Tompkins County February 1990 Summary of "White Collar” Contract HAPPY ST • Negotiations PAIR I CKS by David Chase Contract negotiations between members of the CSEA white collar unit and the County Administration began in October with health insurance and salaries as the major items of DAY! concern. • Members of the respective negotiating teams were: Hugh Hurlbut (County Personnel), I Anita Fitzpatrick (County Personnel), Scott Heyman (County Administration), Robert Watros (County Board of Representatives), Beverly Livesay (County Board of Repre- sentatives), Nick D'Alleva (DSS — CSEA), Patricia Galbraith (Probation — CSEA), David ■ Chase (DSS — CSEA), Judy Scherer (Health Department — CSEA), and Mike Jablanski •■••0 (CSEA Collective Bargaining Specialist). Significant changes in the agreed upon contract include: 1 iiii a) A four year contract — 1990 thru 1993. te Z , N 7 b) Removal of the former health insurance "Cap" — Employees will now pay 23% of the total premium no matter how much it increases (Because of the "Cap" employees were paying 100% of all premium increases). c 4( '4 Pi ) The salary schedule has been restructured over the life of the contract to allow a 1 change from the step system (which paid the employee according to the number of years at a particular grade) to a Job Value system (which pays the employee for the particular 'ob that she/he does). Longevity payments are also paid to employees with ten or more rs of County service. . d) There are some increases in the amount of pay for D.S.S. On -Call work. e) Personal days have been increased from 3 per year to 5 per year. An 85% voter turnout resulted in a 74% — 26% vote in favor of ratification. . • , ey OLDER J. .` ' ^a EMPLOYEE SOUGHT FOR HONOR! r Chairman of the Board of Repre- .. sentatives, James Mason, will be honoring an outstanding older County employee "St-y when he proclaims March 11th through March 17th Older Workers Week in Tompkins County. You can nominate a co- worker in your Department by giving the peen's name • to your Department Head. The nominee must be 55 years of age or older and must agree to participate. Smokey remembered that February is HEART Month. bid You? Recognize one of your deserving col- leagues by the end of February so that a photo by Marilyn Strassberg — OFA panel can select a winner. L Summary of "Blue Collar" Contract Grazing and Weight Negotiations Loss by Jim Strehle 0 Which is more likely to promote wight On January 19, 1990, the blue collar unit of CSEA passed their negotiation teams's ef- loss, eating many small meals or a few nor - forts for a new contract. The contract is a four -year contract that will eliminate the step sys- mal -sized ones each day? While traditional tem making future contract negotiations simpler and easier to understand. advice stayed with three "square" meals, Effective 1/1/90 through 12/31/92, the rate for each step will increase on the following today some weight- conscious people are schedule: sold on the concept of "grazing" — eating Minimum — 8% six or more small meals throughout the day. i Step A — 7% Researchers remain divided in the large- 1 Step B — 7% meals /small -meals debate, and here's why. Step C — 6% A group of early studies suggested that, Step D — 5% for the most part, as the number of meals in- Step E — 4% creased, the amount of body fat declined. In During the fourth year, all steps will be eliminated leaving a hiring rate and a working some studies scientists found that this was rate. The salary schedule in this year will increase by 3 %. because grazers tended to eat less food than the big -meal eater. But in other cases both A longevity payment will be made: groups ate the same number of daily calories 1990 — 25 or more years $1,000 and the grazers still tended to lose weight 1991 — 20 -24 years $1,000 and/or body fat. Animal studies in particular 1992 — 15 -19 years $1,000 have linked eating a few large meals each 1993 — 10 -14 years $1,000 day with obesity, suggesting that food may be more efficiently stored as fat when eaten i Some other terms of the contract include: in larger batches. Several of the more recent studies, • Shift premium of $.50 per hour in 1990 and 1991; 55 cents per hour in 1992; and however have found little difference be- tween the two eating strategies. A 1987 study 60 cents per hour in 1993. by the USDA's Western Human Nutrition • Airport employees will get time and one -half for all scheduled holidays worked. Center in SanFrancisco showed that it di matter whether volunteers ate two la • During the first 3 years of the contract, the County will pay 77% of health in- daily meals or ate the same amount of food surance; in the fourth year, the County will pay 85 %. at several small meals -the rate at which their • A tool allowance of $150 per year will be paid to automotive mechanics. bodies used the calories remained the same. Why cant the experts agree? Research • Five personal days may be used out of the twelve sick days per year. on this subject is notoriously difficult to design and carry out, since so many variables • New Career Plan for Tier 1 and 2 Retirement members (Section 75— I). are involved, including not only the amount and type of food consumed, but also the subjects' activity level and degree of obesity. The bottom line: don't expect grazing by itself to help you lose weight. The old - fashioned wisdom remains the same — ul- timately it's not how or when you eat your calories, but how many you consume and 1 how many you burn in activity. ! e ANNOUNCEMENTS rg _ . Welcome aboard to newly elected mem- ', ,.. -, bers of the County Board of Repre- - ' sentatives. Pictured at left are, from left to "IN • It < * " " ' - right, Barbara Mink, Thomas Todd, Eric _ _ V1 r' '.. ' Lerner and Nancy Schuler. Charles Evans �'� 4- N was unable to be present for the photo. h U t ,: h d Welcome also to George Dentes, : ., hh „ ,_. _ 4 newly- elected District Attorney who t -l” . . ro , .. office on January 1, 1990. Congratulations to David Jayne, Build- ,..t'-'t `` r'' ings & Grounds. He and his wife, Norma, became the proud parents of a son, David Alan, on January 20. t Employee of the Month • AND IT WAS ONLY SUPPOSED TO BE TEMPORARY! T.E.F.C.U. NEEDS several years, Bob has built a beautiful new YOU! by Louise McEwen home for his family. His wife of 26 years, Janet, has been a Registered Nurse at the The Annual Meeting of Tompkins Robert D. Mabee, better known as "Bob" local hospital for the past fifteen years. They Employees Federal Credit Union will be to most of us in the County, came to work have two daughters, Tracey and Trisha, and held on Thursday, March 8, 1990 at the City for the County as a temporary Laborer in on October 27, 1989, became the proud Youth Bureau Building near Stewart Park. July of 1963, probably not realizing that his grandparents of their first grandchild, Brett The meeting begins at 7 p.m. "temporary appointment" would lead him Robert. Elections will be held to fill one, 3 year to a County "career ". This career has During the summer months, Bob's term on the Board of Directors. If you are spanned over twenty years in several depart- "second occupation" of installing swimming interested in serving on the Board, please ments. Bob worked as a Motor Equipment pools for Ithaca area residents consumes the call the office (272 -8567) for more informa- Operator from 1963 to 1966 and after a brief rest of his spare time, and then some. His tion. No experience is necessary, only an in- leave, returned to the County as a Heavy good work on this "hobby" has brought terest in serving YOUR Credit Union. Equipment Operator in the Highway many hours of pleasure to folks who have There will be door prizes and refresh - Department (now a division of Public been privileged to enjoy the results of Bob's ments. Why not come and bring along a non- Works) in July 1970. He worked in that handiwork on the beautiful pools. Bob es- member to join? capacity until December 1970, at which time timates he's installed some 300 + pools in he was appointed the County's Landfill Su- the past 18 years. pervisor. In July 1986, Bob was appointed to All in all, Bob's dedicated many years to Questions Frequently Asked his current job of Maintenance Supervisor making life more pleasant, in one way or By People About To Retire in the Buildings and Grounds Division of another, for lots of people. From plowing Public Works. snowy roads in the winter, to managing the Bob has worked with many people landfill, to seeing that our County buildings • Q. How old do I have to be for Social throughout his years in the County and those and grounds are in good order, to generally Security retirement benefits? o have come in contact with him have en- making lives more enjoyable with all the • A. Social Security pays retirement h t ed the association. Bob's pretty easygo- work he does for others. benefits at age 62, reduced for each g, but still expects his staff to do their best Keep up the good work, Bob, and we are month before age 65. Full benefits are and learn all they can. all glad your "temporary appointment" has paid at age 65. A widow or widower lasted so long! Many other County may qualify for reduced benefits at age employees join us in saying a great big 60; they receive survivors insurance Bob's pretty easygoing, but still thanks for all you've done, and continue to benefits on their deceased spouse's expects his staff to do their best do for us each day. work under Social Security. and learn all they can. • Q. What happens to my Social Security r- benefits if I delay retirement and keep working? Quoting Jack Daugherty, who worked ' . "' E, . ` ` • A. The amount of the Social Security with Bob many years at the Highway and , N '" ' - 4 , benefit you will receive if you become Landfill and who is now the Landfill Super- 65 in 1989 will increase by 3 percent for "In t , " :, I � . d- visor, In all the years I worked with Bob, I � ��,� each year you delay retirement past never had a bad word with him. He was good ` , then up to 70. Starting in 1990, these to everyone, easy to get along with and could "delayed retirement credits" will in- do about anything that needed to be done crease until they reach 8 percent in from electrical work to repairing machinery. 2009. Bob was always very cooperative and would '' '10 i . • Q. Can I work while I'm receiving So- do anything he could for you. I never thought cial Security? If so, how much can I he got all the credit he's deserved through earn without affecting my checks. the years." A pretty nice accolade from a fel- low employee! " • A. In 1989, you could of earned $8,880 One of Bob's current associates at Build- if you are age 65 -70, and $6,480 if you ing and Grounds, Administrative Assistant are under age 65. At age 70 and older, Doreen Schrader, seconds Jack's com- the earnings limits do not apply. Over ments. She says of Bob that "We've worked the limits, every $2 in excess earnings fit ry closely together for the past several reduce the benefit by $1. ars and Bob is truly my right -hand man. He has become a good friend and we enjoy Bob Mabee, our employee of the month that friendship as we work together to get from Buildings & Grounds. the job done." In some of his spare time over the past photo by Bill Chapp I_ i r FREE UNCLASSIFIEDS VACANCIES Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees, retirees and their immediate families. Ads may be for any purpose except no personal ads will be accepted. Purchasing & Central Services: Deskt No County addresses or telephone numbers maybe listed in the ads. Use this coupon to Publishing Clerk, LG 5, (up to 2 send your ad to Corridors c/o Central Services. hours /week) Data Processing: Programmer /Analyst, LG 12 Fire and Disaster Coordinator's Office: Fire Dispatcher, LG 9 Health: Public Health Nurse, LG 12 JTPA: Employment and Training Assis- tant, LG 6 — 10 hours /week; Employment and Training Director II, LG D; Teacher Coordinator, LG 12 — 10 hours /week after 3:30 p.m. Mental Health: Psychiatric Social Worker, LG 14 Public Works: Assistant Airport Manager, LG C; Building Maintenance Worker, Plumber /Steamfitter, LG 11; t Junior Engineer, LG 13 Youth Bureau: Administrative Assistant, TWENTY -FIVE UNCLASSIFIEDS LG 8; Program Management Specialist, LG 10; Senior Program Management Specialist, YEAR CLUB LG 12; Youth Bureau Planner, LG 14 FOR SALE: 1984 Chevy Citation; V -6, in Various Departments: Typist, LG 4 good condition, AM/FM stereo. $1500.00 Tompkins County Library: Pages, part - TO BE Call 272 -0912 after 5 p.m. time Tompkins - Cortland Community Col - E STA B L I S H E D FOR SALE: Baby blue Chevrolet Monte lege: Cleaner, 18 3/4 hrs /week 3:30 -7:15 a. Carlo, 2 door, V -6, AC, $3,500.00 or B.O. Groundskeeper, full -time Call Tom or Kathleen at 277 -2548 after 6 )y Hugh Hurlbut, Commissioner of p.m. weekdays, anytime weekends. ANTICIPATED OPENINGS ?ersonnel County Clerk Office: Records Clerk, LG On June 21, 1990, all present and pre- FOR SALE: 1987 Nissan Sentra. 5 sp., 17 vious employees of Tompkins County with AM - FM cassette player. High mileage, well Assigned Counsel Program: Supervising 25 or more years of service will be honored maintained vehicle. $3,000. Call 562 -3152 Attorney, LG H (33% time); Program at a dinner at the Sheraton Inn in Ithaca. Coordinator, LG 14 All other employees and retirees are in PLEASE CONTACT TOMPKINS vited to join in honoring members of the COUNTY CORRIDORS COUNTY PERSONNEL FOR JOB Twenty -Five Year Club and in the fes- Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors DESCRIPTIONS AND MINIMUM tivities of the evening. are selected by the volunteer editorial board based QUALIFICATIONS FOR THE ABOVE on their interest to Tompkins County employees LISTED VACANCIES. Plan to join us on 6/21/90. Information and retirees. Material is solicited from current on arrangements and costs will appear in employees, retirees and others. DID YOU KNOW future issues of County Corridors. County Corridors is published by County Central Services using °desktop publishing' typog- raphy and layout. Publication and distribution is on the second County payday of the month. 1. On January 1, 1990, the NYS law t Material for publication is selected byte than ed so that it will be illegal persons al for editorial board which reserves the right to edit any g g P submissions. The editorial board is made up of under the age of 21 to possess alcohol with Karen Barry (Central Services), Bill Chopp (DSS), intent to consume? y � �, �'I Sheila Ferrari (Purchasing and Central Services), 2. As of November 1,1989, using false IDs ` . Scott H eyman (Administration), t ouise McEwen to bu a lcohol can et ou a $100 fine and (Personnel), Joyce Musson (Administration), Y g Y Doreen Schrader (Buildings & Grounds), Marilyn court ordered community service of up to 30 � Strassberg (Office for the' Aging), Judy Tynyk hours? Ii `��. Wa & Measures), and Unnette Warner (Solid 3. As of October 19,1989, altering a NYS `I Correspondence may be sent through County driver's license to buy alcohol could result in interoffice maitto: your license being suspended for 90 d Newsletter or Central Services and your driving maybe restricted even of or via Us Mail to: the suspension? 4 Newsletter C/O Purchasing & Central Services Biggs Center Bldg A 301 Harris B. Dates Dr. NOW YOU DO! Ithaca, N.Y. 14850