HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-05 ! f A Newsletter for ..: 7 ,,, „....
, .. Employees and Retirees
j of Tompkins County
„ -- ' ----�, fi r - - --�. \ _- _ ,\ 7 r.
— ' ` i, ` i \,� MAY 1999
um V olume 12 Number 5
A Celebration of Successes in Public Works
Thursday and Friday, April 8th and 9th, were by Cheryl Nelson, P.W. Administrator /Internal Quality Coordinator
designated as a time for Public Works
employees to come together and share success
stories related to quality efforts and continuous AL%
improvement. This event was arranged and
11/ , ; " �
sponsored by QUEST (Quality Environment ,.� 7 ,, Support Team) which oversees quality , W. 1 `h - • c±"..1..,7,_.. ••
implementation in Public Works. ` ` r1 i r ...„
■ The event was set up for two days in ie �� r i - , '`�` ,�I
order that all departmental employees could ' # ; ` w '
attend one day. A program was developed for .,01' 4
the event and the program focus was on the , , f . . -
past, present, and future of quality and PfQ. ., ` +� `
Speakers included Tony Denmark, President of m _ ! �' '
om ,
the CSEA Blue Collar Unit, and Barbara Mink, t '
Board of Representatives and Leadership
Council Chair speaking about the history of PfQ; —0.1.10R
Lynn Johnson, External Quality consultant for - I'
Public Works speaking of the present situation of
quality in the department; and Rick Erb, County
Administrator and Anita Fitzpatrick,
Commissioner of Personnel, addressing the Public Works employees look at a Highway truck and the Airport mass
future of and a commitment to continuing quality casualties bus during the Qualidays event on April 8 -9.
As part of the program, each division of The presentations were quite varied and the items presented
Public Works (Airport, Buildings & Grounds, included: a skit that explained a survey done at the Solid Waste and
Engineering, Highway, and Solid Waste) made a Recycling Center; an explanation of how and why public meetings are
presentation on a "success story" where the being held for upcoming Engineering projects; a power point
quality process was utilized. The divisions were presentation of the Library team by Buildings and Grounds; a
free to do the presentation in anyway they liked description of the team process used to purchase more efficient
as long as they addressed the following criteria: Highway snow plow equipment (completed by having the old and new
versions of the equipment available for viewing by the attendees);
and a description and tour by the Airport staff of the newly renovated
I. what issue was improved (explain the mass casualties bus which has been converted from an old school
condition that needed to be improved and bus!
why)? The event not only allowed for a celebration of the various
11. what process was used to work on the successes throughout the Public Works Department, but it allowed
issue and what tools were used? for all Public Works employees to see and talk to other departmental
III. what was measured? employees that they might not have the opportunity to see as part of
IV. were the expected outcomes realized their daily activities. In the true spirit of quality and PFQ, data is
and implemented? already being collected to see if the Public Works employees
V. what follow up will be done? appreciated and benefited from the event and to see if similar events
should be conducted in the future. Stay tuned for more success
stories from Public Works!!
County Administrator's Report Tales from the Bush
by Rick Erb by Dave Bush, Sheriff's
A few months ago I was Well, first I need to wish
able to report positive i
news on the County's everyone a happy spring! Yes
Insurance Reserve Fund. .,�. /�l the Easter Bunny has come
In 1998 our losses were ( ;11 4 4 and gone, he did see his
.. significantly lower than /' • 4 ! y shadow so summer is not far
!`', t ° g y /Nit \� away! Put the snow blower
previous years. Now I away and tune up the mower
• ?� can tell you that the same
ie : • iv s., as it won't be long now.
-+ kind of dedication to .
safety also led to a = For all of you who have called
reduction in lost work me in reference to the policy
• time due to injuries. In here at TCSD to serve kool -aid
fact, 1998's total of at lunch and dinner, the only reason is that we can't seem
seventy -seven lost days to locate "Fizzes" remember them, makes you feel old
was the lowest in five huh?
years. Thanks and
congratulations to everyone who contributed. This includes Now on a serious note, as the weather is changing and
Health & Safety Coordinator Frank Croteau, Department more and more time is spent outside please remember to
Safety Officers, Department/Division Heads, and all the make sure that your house is well numbered and visible
employees who made this possible. Let's keep up the from the roadway. A good suggestion is to have reflective
good work and continue the trend in 1999. numbers on your mailbox as well as on the house. Many
I am also pleased to inform you that Greg Potter has times our response as well as a fire or rescue call is
recently accepted the position of Director of Information delayed just because we cannot locate a proper address.
One really does not want a fire truck to drive around the
Technology Services, where he has been serving as
Interim Director for more than six months. Y2K compliance neighborhood awaiting flames to be visible from the road!
issues have been a major focus during this period and we The cost of providing the numbers is minimal and may just
have all benefited from Greg's leadership in that area. (Do save a life.
you ever wonder why the computer industry chose to Now for this issues humour, the following was sent to me
shorten the term "Year 2000" to "Y2K "? Isn't that the kind from a police officer in New Jersey: A 1965 Corvette is
of thinking that got us into this problem originally ?) pulled over for speeding. At the wheel is a late 40's guy
You should be receiving this column in the midst of and in the other bucket seat is his wife, quietly crocheting
National Public Works Week, which runs from May 16th - an afghan. The officer says " I had you clocked at 85 mph
May 22nd. Thanks to our employees at the Airport, B &G, sir." The driver replies "Gee, officer, I had it on cruise
Engineering, Highway, and Solid Waste for the services we control at 65, perhaps your radar needs calibrating.
all use every day. Not even looking up from her afghan, his wife says sweetly,
See you next month. "Now dear don't be silly, you know very well this car does
not have cruise control." As the officer makes out the
speeding ticket, the driver looks over at his wife and growls
- u *ma ?"' "Can't you just keep your mouth shut for once!" The wife
. ' �Y r 1,,,,: just smiles and says "You should be glad your radar
"� " "• detector went off when it did." As the officer makes out a
it c � ; : `' „ !..,, ;,, second ticket for an illegal radar detector, the the man
' '' ' s " „ � ; (through clenched teeth) shouts "woman shut your mouth,
� >i� .t�
} I ` - ., < r , ,,,Ip . NOW!" The officer frowns and says, "I notice you are not
r * ' } kn. ,, - - *= wearing your seat belt, sir that's an automatic $75.00 fine."
• 40, ' ''" 4` �" "'' the driver says, "Yeah, well when you pulled me over I took
:, ri, W . L r _
, ..: '- ,-. .-� '',. it off to get my wallet from my back pocket." The wife says
ti -4 • i 7.V17 "Now dear, you know you never wear your seat belt when
' .. ' j y - '. - ".. you are driving ^F � . �Y � .. y g the Corvett . e " As the officer is making out •
- 3� ? ' t ' ' the third ticket the driver turns to his wife and barks, "WHY
--, � l . '` . ., ' CAN YOU JUST SHUT YOUR MOUTH." With this
�; statement the officer looks over at the woman and says,"
:•';''' * — Ma'am does your husband always talk to you that way?
,,, - .. ,.- - ._.„k, ` � - ; , - - The lady replies "Oh heavens no officer, only when he's
f . $1 �. ` ' . -:4 µ • '. ``=". .. been drinking,
John Andersson, Environmental Health, takes a break See you all next issue Dave
during his "Imagine Action" hike.
y ' ', In addition, I am always disappointed to discover that
►'. some employees who are scheduled to be inducted, thumb their
% nose at the whole thing; they don't attend and in several cases,
have made uncomplimentary remarks about the event and the
intent behind it. I can't help but wonder why these people
;� � ! a golc o bothered to stay around for 25 years.
; If they think so little of Tompkins County that they
1 ! tiie can't take a couple of hours out of their life to attend an event in
their honor, how did they manage to find time to cash in excess
• ( 2) 9 vnex a/netee/y11, of 650 paychecks, not to mention finding time to take all their
paid vacation as well as take advantage of all the other fringes
their predecessors fought so hard to obtain for them?
Do you suppose deep down they don't feel they've
earned this recognition?
Dear Danielle,
Can't Help But Wonder
During the summer, my husband and I try to do
something with our children (we have 6) every weekend. One Dear Wondering,
week every summer we go to Canada camping; one weekend Have you ever been invited to a party and been nervous
every summer we go to a place like Darien Lake; the first about going because you aren't sure who'll be there or if you
weekend of the summer we have a bon -fire and a family -type will know anyone? Add to this, that you will be asked to stand
gathering to "welcome the summer "; and one weekend every up before these people and accept an award. Some people do
summer we visit one of our cousins for the weekend. Our not like that type of attention. While the event is to honor long -
children are now telling us that "summer is boring." Our time employees, they are confronted with a variety of issues that
children range in age from 7 to 13. Do you have any ideas for may make them choose to stay home.
us that won't cost us a fortune? Some of these issues have to do with the lack of
-- Out of Ideas encouragement and recognition by their supervisor and/or
Dear Out of Ideas, department head. They may see this as the stepping stone to
retirement which can be a frightening notion. They may fear
Summers lack structure, and kids that age have a rough they are being perceived as old simply because they have been
time coming up with ways to fill an entire day. Week -end here so long. They may resist recognition for their years of
activities cannot make up for even one long, drawn -out day. service no matter how that service was delivered (peers watching
Start working on ways you can structure their week- less ambitious peers receive recognition). They may resent
days. Perhaps one or two week -end trips could be eliminated recognition when they have been denied a reclassification or
and the savings could be used to buy videos, redecorate each of' promotion when they worked hard and felt it was deserved.
their bedrooms, or establish a designated allotment of "toy" I don't think it is a case of thinking so little of
money that they can spend each week or save for one great toy. Tompkins County that they can't take a couple of hours out of
They are old enough to help budget the summer. their life to attend an event in their honor. It's difficult to be
Determine the summer spending. Have a family meeting and upset with a geographical location, but not so difficult to be
brain storm ways the money could be used. There may be bitter or indifferent with your co- workers, supervisor,
enough to buy a conservative above - ground pool in lieu of department head, Central Administration, Personnel, or the
travelling. County Board.
In any event, you will drive yourself crazy if you intend To make inductees more comfortable, they must be
to eliminate boredom from a child's life. They need to come up encouraged by their supervisor and Department Head. I would
with ways to keep their days from becoming boring, and it's a further suggest that the unit in which the person is employed be
challenge. offered a discount rate to attend the event to honor their co-
Each kid should be designated cook for the day, having worker. It is expensive to go ($50 per couple). If the employee
the 13 year -old and the 7 year -old share one of the five week- is at all hesitant about going, they'll be mae hesitant if no one
days. Each one should have a daily job. Each one should have they know and feel comfortable with is going. The honor is only
a book to read every week. Each one should have an imaginary part of the reason for going out for the night. People also want
million dollars to spend and be able to list the things they'd to have fun. And it's more fun to party with people you know.
spend it on.
Have a nice summer. Good luck. Send questions to Danielle c/o Ruth Pond, Finance
******************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **
Dear Danielle,
It is once again time for the 25 -Year Club annual See Back Page
dinner. I have made it a point to attend every year since its
conception. I enjoy seeing and talking with the people that
helped make the County what it is today. However, I wish more for Trip Update!
non - members would attend to pay tribute to those who were
instrumental in making things better for today's employees.
Employee Health Launches Year -round Walking Program: New Information
Walk to Wellness with WINK! for Crime Victims
By Jared Jones, RN Employee Health from Jamie Carpenter, Community Educator
It's been a rough morning —the phone's ringing, the workload is mounting,
your stress is climbing, those deadlines are creeping up and your office A service called VINE (Victim Information
seems like its closing in...What can you do? Join WINK, Employee Health's and Notification Everyday) is available 24
new walking program for County employees! Clear your head! Chase away hours, 7 days a week in both English and
the blahs! Reduce your stress! Get some fresh air! Improve your fitness! Spanish to those wanting information
Win fun prizes! about an offender who: 1) is a convicted
WINK - Walking Into the Next K(1000 years) begins during the first week of felon in a state prison and 2) was
June and will continue all year. All employees are encouraged to join. Here incarcerated on or after January 1, 1999.
are some highlights of the program: VINE provides crime release data on all
prison inmates including prison location,
Why? The WINK program encourages all employees to include regular convicted charge(s), and earliest release
exercise as part of their daily lifestyle- whether they're at home or at work. date. To obtain information, you must:
Walking is great exercise: it's easy on your body, almost anyone can do it H Provide the inmates date of birth, or
and, besides a sturdy pair of shoes, it doesn't require any special New York State Identification number
equipment. A regular walking program also significantly improves your (NYSID): contact local District Attorney's
health by enhancing your cardiovascular fitness, promoting healthy weight office for this information.
management, and managing stress. Walking is the perfect exercise for
many employees because it's fun and convenient as well as having many • Call VINE from a touch -tone phone.
health benefits. 1- 888 - VINE -4NY (1- 888- 846 - 3469.
When? The program follows Imagine Action, starts during the first week in Provide the VINE attendant with the
June and will continue all year. You can join at any time after June 1. offender's NYSID number, or full name
and date of birth, or DOC's (Dept. Of
Who: WINK is open to all County employees who do not have any medical Correctional Services') identification
condition that would prohibit them from participating. Employees will be able number.
to set their own fitness goals and should check with their health care
provider if they have any doubts about their ability to join the program. Through VINE, callers can also register to
be automatically notified by telephone if
The Fun Part: The whole idea is to increase your own activity level while at the inmate is released. Callers register
work and make it fun to get healthier. Employees will develop their own by a telephone number only, along with
goals in the program (perhaps walking 3 miles a week, for example) and try a 4 -digit pin number in order to assure
to increase their activity over time. Ideas to make it more fun might include: complete confidentiality.
Forming a walking group with colleagues. Coming up with a catchy name for
your walking group. Challenging another group to a little light- hearted If you would like more information or
competition. Thinking of other creative ways to get more walking into your assistance, please contact the Task Force
work day (example: park a distance away from your worksite and walk to for Battered Women and the Child Sexual
and from your car). Maps will be provided to guide employees on walking
loops from each worksite. Abuse Project at 277 -3203, or Crime
Victims Assistance Program at Ithaca
Keeping It Simple: Employees will receive 1 point for each mile they walk Rape Crisis at 273 -5589. Inquiries can
at whatever pace they choose. Employees will qualify for prizes based on also be made to the NYS Dept. Of
the number of points they accumulate. Record keeping will be simplified: Correctional Services' Office of Victims
participants will record their walking points on their own log (available from Services at 1- 518 -485 -9975.
their on -site coordinator) and will submit a copy of their logs to Employee
Health only when qualifying for a prize. The Wellness Committee (the same
great folks who provide financial support for health club memberships,
Weight Watchers, Imagine Action!, the flu shots) is offering prizes as
incentives for employees as they reach certain point levels. Additional
information about prizes and point totals will be available from your on -site
coordinator. ti;
How to Join the WINK program: Fill out the one page registration /medical TIP
release form (packets available from your on -site coordinator or by calling l
Employee Health) and return it via interoffice mail to: WINK, Employee
Health, at the Health Department.
For more information, contact your on -site WINK coordinator (named on
the WINK poster where you work) or call/P -mail Jared at Employee Health:
274 -6681 or jjones @tompkins - co.org.
Jitie A: When an employee is hired in a County position
represented by the CSEA White Collar or Blue Collar
Ale bargaining unit, he or she is given a choice to join or not join
the union. If they join the union, a bi- weekly amount is
deducted from wages and it is designated union dues. If
the employee chooses not to join the union, a bi- weekly
amount is deducted from wages and it is designated agency
PUZZLERS fee. The cost of union dues or agency fees is the same and
it is based on a sliding scale determined by your annualized
salary. Chapter 606 of the Laws of 1992 amended the Civil
Q: I read more and more about repetitive motion injury. Service Law and made it mandatory for employers to make
What is it and what can I do to prevent these problems? deductions for agency shop fees beginning August 1992.
It is important to know that CSEA represents all white and
A: Repetitive motion injury is one of several disorders of the blue collar employees whether they are members of the
musculoskeletal system. Other names include repetitive union or not.
strain injury, cumulative trauma disorder and carpal tunnel
syndrome. Pain is often the body's early warning sign of CAUGHT IN THE ACT
overusing or misusing the body in some way. There are
several things you can do to prevent or reduce the pain and by David Squires, Finance
avoid more invasive treatment measures. When typing, Sip
make sure that hands are held in line with the forearms.
Multiple key operations like "ctrl Home" should be done with
two hands. Keyboarders should not sit in the same position
for long periods, but should shift weight in order to alter the • t '
movements of the hand. ei-
Repetitive motion injuries can also be related to ,, , . =` 4
overexertion when lifting, pushing or pulling, or carrying j
items. Proper lifting techniques such as bending at the
knees should always be used. This technique uses the w
larger muscles of the legs rather than the small ones of the F
back. It reduces strain on the back, and, consequently, the
likelihood of injury.
Researchers believe repetitive work may be only David Squires calls the numbers while l -r Suzi Cook, Cindie Day
one of many factors. Besides their time at work, people and Helen Beach write them down.
perform repetitive tasks in hobbies as well. Women are at
higher risk, as are smokers and those who are overweight. In our house, my wife Rachel is the theatrical one. But once
Carpal tunnel syndrome is often diagnosed in new mothers, a year I get up in the center of a room to perform for a crowd.
for example, because they are frequently lifting and holding Many of those in the audience are characters in their own
their newborns which causes strain on the muscles of the right. It is a theatrical event of sorts generally known as the
hands and arms. Some medical practitioners believe there "tax auction ". It is on this occasion every April where I try
is a psychological component which is frequently overlooked. to recover the county's interest in delinquent tax properties.
The audience members are hoping to get a deal, and I am
Tompkins County has a well - developed preventive hoping not to embarrass myself as I play the role of the
program which focuses on making available to employees auctioneer (a disclaimer is announced). I shout give me
the proper equipment and how to use it. Jared Jones, $100, $200, etc, etc. and hope that I keep the offers moving
Employee Health Nurse, performs workplace assessments up and up. Sometimes there are few takers, but at least once
to identify potential health and safety risks and to modify every time there is that one parcel which elicits competitive
work stations. However, no amount of ergonomic actions beyond our expectations. This year it was a parcel
equipment will prevent serious injury if one does not on Bostwick Road. One individual lived adjacent to the parcel
recognize the element of personal responsibility. Taking and was desirous of acquisition. On this day however there
rest breaks may seem tedious and frustrating, but was another party who also was interested. The bidding
necessary. Periodic standing and stretching may also be started and after the price stood at $14,000 one of the
helpful. You should also be aware of the activities you bidder's associates appeared visibly anxious as in "what are I
engage in outside of work and be prepared to modify some we doing" and began make signals to stop this madness.
lifestyle behaviors as well. The will or reasoning of their partner however would not be
denied. Each party keeps going up in $ 1,000 increments.
Please submit questions to Jackie Yoder, c/o of the Personnel Finally at $27,000 one party cried uncle. The vigorous
Department, or by email to jyoder @einstein.co.tompkins.ny.us. bidding was the theatrical highpoint. It also made the day
You may submit questions anonymously if you choose. All financially because we were able to recover taxes on the
signed questions and inquiries will be treated confidentially. properties purchased. We now wait and hope that everyone
follows through and closes on their treasures, which allows
Q: On my paycheck there is an Agency Fee. What is us to recover the county's interest.
this and why is this money taken out of my paycheck?
Unclassifieds The Personal Touch
For Sale: Welcome to:
FROM 5800 TO $80:: New Employees at DSS:
(That's your Editor's way of telling you she read JoAnn Harding, Caseworker, Children's Intake /Protective Srvcs;
the ad wrong. Sorry, Jo.). The ad last issue Kathy Lind, Caseworker, Children's Services and
should have read: Joseph Smith, Student Intern, Legal Unit.
CD - Rom + Modem: Unused.
Artec 44X IDE CD - Rom and Shark PCI. Congratulations to:
Data/fax/voice /spkrph /modem. All in original Fran Swartout, DSS Case Aide, on her retirement. Enjoy!
package $80 for both. Call Jo @ 273 - 9886.
Thank You to:
Nordic Track ski machine. $200. Call 273 -3143. /J p / / /
1992 Honda Civic CX black $4300 great J` woad /Ciie lo f�aiafz everyone urho con/Pitt/el / fo
condition. Please call 277 - 5787 evenings. ff, // // //��
de G neryency /ooCan de 1 /he° month. Jain very
1991 Geo Prism. Fair condition, some rust, five fl rf�� dal liC d
speed. Asking $2,200. Call 844 -9460. zar z u , iJ my -area a�, za cyou r ena e
Services: de iupplernenfafion o /rnr, a iahlif� cfzeci during my
Zart Computer Services - for all of your computer /p/ /
needs: consulting, computers and accessories. rrcenf rinatlu fiery and ircovery. f i1 very upC" ny
266 -7492. f f f� f�
o ritual dal o zerl cane.
Dunn Rite Wedding Photography. All of our ////
packages use quality matte albums. Packages zrzcerelc�,
starting at $350. Call 594 - 3387 until 7:30 p.m.
-4 Iva rzclrva %?v/ tit dney, rzyineeriny
Tynyk Originals is now a distributor for Tender
Hearts and A Special Place (home decor & gifts) Articles to be considered for the June 17 issue must be received
and can save you 25% off catalog prices. If you by Friday, May 28 . Lengthy articles must be on disk. Send by
would like to see a catalog, call 564 -9244 evenings interdepartmental mail to Ruth Pond, Finance, or 125 East Court
or e-mail at gitchygumma @juno.com. Don't St., Ithaca, NY 14850. Fax: 274 -5505.
panic, Tynyk Originals still does creative sewing!
Garage Sale: Classified ads up to 25 words in length are free to County employees, retirees
Neighborhood garage sale -man houses. Iradell and their immediate families. Ads may be for any purpose except no personal ads
9 9 9 many will be accepted. No County addresses or telephone numbers may be listed
Road (from Vandorn Rd to Jacksonville Rd. 5/22 in these ads, however we do need the full name of the person submitting the ad.
9 -3 and 5/23 9 -Noon: toys, kid's clothes, Use this coupon to send your ad via interdepartmental mail to Ruth Pond, County
appliances, furniture, tools and more. Corridors c/o Finance, or 125 East Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850.
Please type or print legibly! Thanks!
Bus Trip Update:
June 12
Turning Stone Casino /Bingo & Vernon Downs
$25 Bus leaves at 9:00a.m. COUNTY CORRIDORS
Articles and opinion pieces for County Corridors are selected by the volunteer
New Offering editorial board based on their interest to Tompkins County employees and retirees.
They do not necessarily express the opinions of the Editorial Board. Material is
July 16 solicited from current employees, retirees and others.
Hangar Theatre The Fantasticks Material for publication is selected by the editorial board which reserves the right
to edit any submissions except in the instance of copyright articles. The Editorial
8p.m. $10 per person Board is made up of: Bill Chapp, Social Services; Sharon Cooper, Sheriffs; Liz
Call immediately for reservations Croop, Mental Health; Lisa Eaton, (Proofreader), Finance - Purchasing; Iretta Ellis,
y Information Services; Ruth Pond, (Editor), Finance; Michelle Pottorff, Bd. Of
Representatives; Katy Prince, Health; Judy Tynyk, (Chair), Weights and Measures;
For more information or to reserve a space a nd Vickie Wagner, (Artist), Drafting Technician.
Correspondence may be sent through County inter - department mail to: County
call: Pete 274 -6688 or Patty 274 -6674. Corridors, c/o Finance- Purchasing, 125 East Court St., Ithaca, NY 14850.