ဟံၣ်My WebLinkဘၣ်ဃးဒီး2012 Del • J MARCH 2014-DELIQUENT 2012 , REC NOT. TITLE AMT AMT PD REC.# TOTAL INT ADV FEE NSF FEE SRCH TOWN TOWN SCH TOWN • 28-Feb 108883 BERKLEY ROBERT 3093.65 675.34 10.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 2403.31 ITH 0.00 28-Feb 10884 BERKLEY ROBERT 1973.47 477.90 10.00 5.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1479.57 ITHA TOTAL 5067.12 1153.24 20.00 10.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 2403.31 0.00 1479.57 0.00 3-Mar 108900 WITHINGTON WILLIAM 4562.72 997.59 10.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3550.13 DRY 0.00 TOTAL 4562.72 997.59 10.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3550.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 7-Mar 109126 CHAIRES TYRONE 1177.69 262.42 10.00 5.00_ 0.00 0.00 0.00 900.27 ENF 0.00 TOTAL 1177.69 262.42 10.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 900.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 11-Mar 109140 MOSHER PATRICIA 4267.16 959.74 10.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3292.42 ULY 0.00 TOTAL 4267.16 959.74 10.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3292.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 20-Mar 109168 WASMER JULIE 6803.47 1532.20 10.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5256.27 LAN 0.00 TOTAL 6803.47 1532.20 10.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5256.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 26-Mar 109182 COMBS LEON 1048.73 233.32 10.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 800.41 GRO 0.00 26-Mar 109184 CHAPMAN BRUCE 4676.59 1052.15 10.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 3609.44 DRY 0.00 TOTAL 5725.32 1285.47 20.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4409.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 27-Mar 109192 527 WEST SENECA ST,LLC 2931.10 269.57 10.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 1650.00 996.53 CIT 0.00 TOTAL 2931.10 269.57 10.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 1650.00 996.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 GRAND TOTALS 30534.58 6460.23 90.00 45.00 0.00 1.00 1650.00 20808.78 0.00 1479.57 0.00 • • • 260 ACCT 20808.78 CAR DAN DRY ENF GRO LAN NEW ITH ULY CIT 0.00 0.00 7159.57 900.27 800.41 5256.27 0.00 2403.31 3292.42 996.53 . • 290 ACCT 1479.57 CARO DANB ENFI LANS NEWF ITHA ULYS DRYD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1479.57 0.00 0.00 • r • • • • J • v// County of Tompkins , February 28, 2014 Ithaca, New York Receipt# 108883 Office of County Director of Finance Tax R e c e i pit Received of Alternatives Credit Union Description of Property O 5V Town of Ithaca, 1.! //;) � (outside village) S SBL# : 503089 45 . -2-6 . 2 -'Owner: BERKLEY ROBERT ' BERKLEY, ROBERT Location: 227 KING RD E Account Description . Amount A260 County/Town $2403 . 31 A1090 Return Fee ) $120 . 17 A1090 Interest $555 . 17 A1235 Advertising $10.. 00 A2770 Recording Fee $5 . 00 Payment by Check #142069 total received: $3093 . 65 Received $3093 . 65 in full payment of the 2 . 2 County/Town taxes . By: Director of Finance, County of Tompkins If remittance other than cash is made, this Tax Receipt shall be void if payment of such remittance isnot received by us in cash upon presentation. County of Tompkins February 28 , 2014 Ithaca, New York Receipt# 108884 Office of County Director of Finance Tax Receipt Received of -Alternatives Credit Union Description of Property Town of Ithaca 3) .(outside village) O SBL# : 503089 45 . -2-6 . 2 Owner: BERKLEY ROBERT BERKLEY, ROBERT Location: 227 KING RD E Account Description Amount A290 Ithaca City School $1479 . 57 A1090 Return Fee $73 . 98 A1090 Interest $403; 92 A2770 Notice Fee $1 . 00 A1235 Advertising • $10 . 00 A2770 Recording Fee $5 . 00 Payment by Check #142069, total received: $1973 . 47 Received $1973 . 47 in full payment of the 20 ► Ithaca City School taxes . fA41/1447 • By: ' Director of Finance, County of (Tompkins If remittance other than cash is made, this Tax Receipt shall be void if payment of such remittance is not received by us in cash upon presentation. • County of Tompkins March 3 , 2014 Ithaca, New York Receipt# 108900 Office of County Director of Finance Tax Receipt Received of PNC BANK J Description of Property Town of Dryden (outside village) ^^OO SBL# : 502489 77 . -1-5 . 7 \$0 Owner: WITHINGTON WILLIAM T NS WITHINGTON, WILLIAM T Location: 971 IRISH SETTLEMENT RD Account Description Amount A260 County/Town $3550 . 13 A1090 Return Fee $177 .51 A1090 - Interest $820 . 08 A1235 Advertising $10 . 00 A2770 Recording Fee $5,. 00 Payment by Check #2798769, total received: $4562 . 72 Received $4562 . 72 in full payment of the 2012 County/Town taxes.. By: Direc or of Finance, Co my of Tompkins ' If remittance other than cash is made, this Tax Receipt shall be void if payment of such remittance is not received by us in cash upon presentation. 111 • I County of Tompkins March 7, 2014 Ithaca, New York Receipt# 109126 Office of County Director of Finance Tax Receipt Received of Steven Tanner Description of Property 4(4fIN)S Town of Enfield SBL$# : 502600 7-3-4 . 122 Owner: CHAIRES TYRONE D TANNER STEVEN D Location: 108 ROTHERMICH RD Account Description Amount A260 County/Town $900 . 27 A1090 Return Fee $45 . 01 A1090 Interest `$217 .41 A1235 Advertising $10 . 00 A2770 Recording Fee $5 . 00 Payment by Cash, total received: $1177 . 69 Received $1177 . 69 in full payment of the 2012 County/Town taxes . B : � y Director of Finane, County of Tompkins If remittance other than cash is made, this Tax Receipt shall be void if payment of such remittance is not received by us in cash upon presentation. • 411411 J County of Tompkins March 11, 2014 Ithaca, New York Receipt# 109140 Office of County Director of Finance Tax Receipt Received of MOSHER PATRICIA A Description of Property 111444441,1% Town of Ulysses Village of Trumansburg SBL# : 503601 7 . -4-3 Owner: MOSHER PATRICIA A MOSHER„ PATRICIA Location: . 27 HECTOR ST Account Description Amount • A260 County/Town $3292 . 42 A1090 Return Fee $164 . 62 A1090 Interest $795 . 12 A1235 Advertising $10 . 00 A2770 Recording Fee $5 . 00. Payment by Cash, total received: $4267 . 16 Received $4267 . 16 in full payment of the 20 County/Town taxes . By: Director of Finance;. County .of Tompkins If remittance other than cash is made, this Tax Receipt shall be void if payment of such remittance isnot received by us in cash upon presentation. • • County of Tompkins March 20, 2014 Ithaca, New York Receipt# 109168 • Office of County Director of Finance Tax Receipt • Received of WASMER JULIE • /,0 o Description of Property Town of Lansing LI (outside village) . SBL# : 503289 26 . -5-3 ' Owner: WASMER JULIE WASMER, JULIE ' . Location: 212 LUDLOWVILLE RD . Account Description Amount A260 County/Town $5256 . 27 A1090 Return Fee $262 . 81 A1090 Interest $1269 . 39 A1235 Advertising $10 . 00 • A2770 Recording Fee $5 . 00 • Payment by Check #704 , total received: $6803 . 47 Received . $6803 . 47 in full payment of the 2012 County/Town taxes . . '4(LariCc ./Ipele,t__ By: Director of Finance, ounty of Tompkins If remittance other than cash is made, this Tax. Receipt shall be void if, payment of such remittance. is not received by us in cash upon presentation. • • • V County of Tompkins March 26, 2014 Ithaca, New York Receipt# 109182 Office of County Director of Finance Tax Receipt Received of MCDONALD & KIMBALL PC Description of Property Town of Groton Village of Groton � o SBL# : 502801 9 . -2-10 U" � Owner: COMBS LEON COMBS ELIZABETH Location: 307 CLINTON AVE ) Account Description Amount A260 County/Town $800 . 41 A1090 Return Fee $40 . 02 A1090 Interest $193 . 30 A1235 Advertising $10 . 00 A2770 Recording Fee $5 . 00 Payment by Check #38081, total received: $1048 . 73 Received • $1048 . 73 in full payment of the 2012 linty/Town taxes . Ir By: Director of Finance, County of Tompkins If remittance other than cash is made, this Tax Receipt shall be void if payment of such remittance is not received by us in cash upon presentation. • • • • • County of Tompkins -March 26, 2014 Ithaca, New York Receipt# 109184 Office of County Director of Finance • • T a x Receipt • Received of CHAPMAN BRUCE D. ,4)0 Description of Property Town of Dryden %4 \T/4 Village of Dryden SBL# : 502401 12 . -7-5 Owner: CHAPMAN BRUCE D. Location: 3 LEWIS ST . Account Description Amount A260 County/Town $3609 . 44 A1090 Return Fee $180 . 47 A1090 Interest $871 . 68 A1235 Advertising $10 . 00 A2770 Recording Fee $5 . 00 Payment by Check #2004636, total received: $4676 . 59 Received $4676259 in full payment of the 2012 County/Town taxes . By: 45-1 tom:-� ti `s 4� Director of Finance, ,County of Tompkins If remittance other than cash is made, this Tax Receipt shall be void if payment of such remittance is• -not received by us in cash_ upon presentation. • • •411 • County of Tompkins March- 27, 2014 • Ithaca, New York Receipt# 109192 Office of County Director of Finance Tax Receipt • Received of 527 WEST SENECA STREET, LLC ' • I_O .. • Vc Description, of Property City of Ithaca SBL# : 500700 72 . -3-2 Owner: 527 WEST SENECA STREET, LLC . . Location:' 527- SENECA 'ST •W Account _ Description • . Amount . A260 . 07 County/Town inst 2 • $996 . 53 A1234•. 56 Special charges $1650 . 00 A1090 Return Fee $49 . 83 -A1090 • .Interest $2.19 . 74 • A1235 Advertising $10 . 00 A2770 Recording Fee $5 . 00 Payment by Check #2004767, total received: $2931 . 10 • Received $2931 . 10 in full payment of the 2012 Cunty/Town inst 2 taxes . tr.) , By: Director of Finance, C unty of Tompkins If remittance other than cash is made, this Tax Receipt shall be void. if payment of such remittance is not received by us in cash upon presentation. .